Thursday, February 7, 2013

Learning Why Men Pull Away From A Relationship

Lets Learn Some Of The Reasons Why Men Pull Away From A Relationship
Updated 3/6/13

Based on real data, men pull away from a relationship as the relationship progresses. At some point men get uneasy about the status of a relationship and start to piece together where this relationship will go. If  relationship is progressing, and you are at a certain age, marriage is always an option. With marriage comes a major commitment and responsibilities. When one is dating in the teens and throughout the twenties, breaking off a relationship is very simple. Either stop calling or just say I'm through. But when a man gets up into his mid to late twenties and beyond, the "M" word starts popping up and to be quite honest, the responsibilities that come with it can be enough to put the brakes on any commitment. Therefore a man rather than having to decide many many questions, it is much easier to pull away.

What Do You Think?

Stress can be a big factor to cause a man to pull away from a relationship. Does he have a stressful job or in the process of building a career? High stress levels can do the trick and ruin any relationship. Think about the financial commitment involved. Does he have the funds to buy a home, car, cover medical expenses and health plans. Yes, men do worry. and money is usually one of the main culprits. When the level of stress is unbearable, a man my find it easier to just walk away and clear his head and I don't blame him. Give him some time to find a solution and hopefully the relationship will be back on track.

Let me know what you think.

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